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Bayside April Founder Update

Dear Bayside Community Homeowner,

We hope you are enjoying the spring season with family and friends, and that you are busy making plans for the summer ahead. Please see below for the monthly Founder updates:

Bayside Community Transition
As we navigate the ongoing transition of Bayside from developer control to resident control, it's crucial to emphasize that this process has been in motion for many years. The transition of a master-planned community like Bayside begins early in the development stages and evolves throughout the community's growth. Drawing from our experience in successfully transitioning other communities such as Sea Colony, Bear Trap Dunes, and Tidewater Landing, we are confident that Bayside's transition will be equally smooth and successful as we near its completion.

As you can imagine, the transition of a master-planned community like Bayside takes time. Our transition journey commenced over two decades ago, marked by the establishment of our initial HOA Committees and the integration of our first homeowner Board member. Over the years, we've progressively transferred common areas, initiated road dedications, and engaged in ongoing dialogue with homeowner committee members and homeowner-elected board members. We are diligently addressing the requests gathered from Bayside residents, through your homeowner-elected board members, David Williams and David Chun, ensuring that each concern is met with thorough attention and timeliness.

In the spirit of transparency and collaboration, we will be conducting a community site walk to address remaining transition items and provide updates on our progress. Throughout 2024, Founder Updates will continue to keep everyone informed about transition checklist completions, ongoing communication efforts with various stakeholders, and our commitment to fulfilling transition requirements as outlined in the HOA documents.

To enhance accessibility and engagement, by the end of April we will introduce a comprehensive Calendar on the website, listing meetings, activities, training sessions, and important contacts. This calendar will streamline information access and registration for training sessions, like the upcoming "Best Practices For An HOA Transition" and "Functions of an HOA Board Training Session." These sessions, led by industry experts, aim to empower homeowners with valuable insights into transition processes and HOA governance.

Additionally, under Announcements on the website, we will be adding a consolidated Contact information list for golf course inquiries, membership details, HOA management queries, Bayside Institute inquiries, and home sales assistance. This centralized resource will serve as a convenient reference point for residents seeking specific information.

We remain dedicated to facilitating a seamless transition and ensuring that Bayside continues to thrive under homeowner governance. Thank you for your continued support and participation in this significant community evolution.

Coastal Crossing
We are pleased to announce that only four villas remain for sale in Coastal Crossing. For all sales inquiries, please contact Natalie Hay at [email protected].

A key aspect of our development process at Coastal Crossing has been our collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. This partnership ensures that our permits align with established guidelines. With the guidance of an Eagle Incidental Take Permit, authorized by the USFWS, construction for Coastal Crossing Phase 2 commenced in 2022. We adhere strictly to construction and time-of-year restrictions to minimize disruption to the eagle nest and its occupants. Our project progresses in accordance with the approved plan. Construction activities permitted outside the nesting season (December 15 – June 30), such as road construction and initial building phases, were completed by December 14, 2023. No new building starts are permitted until July 1, 2024. Construction activity within Coastal Crossing Phase 2 will remain minimal until that date.

In December, we observed an eagle pair utilizing the nest site, and ongoing monitoring during the breeding season continues.

As mentioned above, we are currently working on additions for the website and plan to send another Founder's Update before the end of the month to announce these exciting developments.

Live Bayside,
Carl M. Freeman Companies

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